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On January 16 & 17, 2025, Destination Stratford (DS) hosted a dialogue-based workshop about the tourism sector’s role in shaping our community’s future.

I’ve never been more excited about what we’re doing. It’s good we’re getting together in these groups, learning about each other. Let’s keep it going.” – January 2025 community workshop participant

The purpose was to share the vision outlined in DS’s recently released 2030 Strategy, to test the level of alignment and interest within the community, and to invite active engagement towards the creation of a Destination Stewardship Council and a broader circle of partners. The 30+ workshop participants represented local businesses, municipal government in multiple capacities, arts & culture organizations, and the regional tourism organization. DS is very encouraged by their enthusiastic interest and support. A workshop harvest summary is available here or using the flipbook below: Redefining Tourism | Reimagining Stratford Workshop Harvest Summary PDF

Who are we here to serve?
Excerpt from the workshop harvest summary

Where We Are Now

I like that you’re not being complacent. We have to keep looking for new ways of thinking and acting. This is amazing.” – January 2025 community workshop participant

In 2025, DS intends to host community processes to give the Destination Stewardship Council shape and collectively determine its mandate through continued community engagement. We will determine the size and scope of the Council by:

  • learning best practices from other progressive communities
  • exploring the collective resources available for this initiative
  • developing a mandate that makes sense for our unique community
Excerpt from the workshop harvest summary

An Invitation

There’s so much more that connects us than divides us. There’s a sense of home in this room.” – January 2025 community workshop participant

DS needs to hear from individuals that have a passion for redefining tourism and reimagining Stratford to better align with our vision: As a vibrant, year-round cultural destination, Stratford is globally celebrated for its community-wide capacity to generate collective wellbeing. The Destination Stewardship Council will be key in shaping our destination development focus and initiatives. Please fill out this quick form to join us in the next steps forward.

JOIN US in the next steps forward